(VIDEO) Lumber & Gold Is Telling Us IMPORTANT INFORMATION About The Stock Market

(VIDEO) Lumber & Gold Is Telling Us IMPORTANT INFORMATION About The Stock Market

In today’s Stock Market Brief we dive into both Lumber & Gold. Both of these commodities are speaking to us and its important for us to listen carefully. In a recent interview with Michael Gayed we discussed the Lumber to Gold Ratio and its importance in letting us know that the conditions for a stock market crash are very real.

This is not predicting that the market will crash or even forecasting that a market will crash. I am just reading the charts for both lumber and gold and letting you know what they are saying to us in the short term.

We are living in very interesting times right now and the market has reached insane valuations not seen in history. Money printing (expansion of the money supply) has lifted over 55% in just 2020.

The stock market in 2021 should be quite interesting to watch, and these first couple weeks of trading will speak volumes to how the rest of the year can play out.


MICHAEL GAYEDS RESEARCH PAPERS: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=2224980

Written by
Michael Silva