Stock Market Uncertainty Always Creates Fear Of A Crash

Stock Market Uncertainty Always Creates Fear Of A Crash

Fear and uncertainty drives people to do crazy things with their money and finances. If you feel scared or an overwhelming amount of fear when it comes to investing in the stock market, chances are you’re living in uncertainty. That uncertainty typically means you do not have a plan in place if things go wrong

Ask yourself “Am I doing everything in my power to be prepared for the possibility of a stock market crash?”. If you are prepared, then you do not need to worry about all this stock market uncertainty running into the 2020 presidential election.

When it comes to stock market investing, you need to have a plan in place to keep you level headed and not make poor financial decisions. I do these stock market daily briefs Monday – Friday to really get a good understanding of what is taking place in the stock market.

In this video I use both technical & Intermarket analysis to get a better understanding of key levels in the stock market (SP500, Nasdaq 100, Dow Jones, & Russell 2000) to help me determine what might happen next…Or at least be prepared if the stock market decides to go into crisis mode.

Daily Stock Market Brief Chart Deck

Written by
Michael Silva